Monday 24 November 2014


The past few weeks have been hectic. With my practice placement presenting me with more work than ever and spending my weekends actually sight seeing in Vienna and close by countries, I have neglected my Blog posts. 
First of all, I have visited Budapest a few weekends ago, the city itself is beautiful, especially during the night time as it is well lit and looks like something off the back of a postcard. I stayed on the Pest side, which was lovely. The hostel that I stayed in, upon entrance into the hall way looked like somewhere the Adams Family would have reside. However, once we took the four flights of stairs up into the rest of the building, and entered into a high secured door, the hostel was lovely. It had a youthful vibe- creating the perfect weekend get away environment. It was perfect for all of our needs! We spent a full day in Budapest, during this time we had a guided tour, and explored some of the shops and various sights of the city. We even ventured across to the Buda side, which entailed a lot of steep walking! However the view from the top across the bridge and onto the Pest side was well worth the climb.
It felt odd when travelling home as we all referred to home as Vienna and I think that was the first time we all felt like actual Austrian citizens. Since coming home from Budapest myself and the Erasmus group have gotten a bit of a 'bug' to explore the near by countries of Vienna and so we are now researching our next adventure!

The following weekend after Budapest, my parents came to visit me in Vienna. I shown them the many sights of Vienna, and the place in which I carry out my practice placement. I think they liked to see exactly where I am living, and so when I send them a message they can begin to picture exactly what I am talking about. As they stayed with me in my apartment, I think they had the full 'non-tourist' Vienna experience.
It was great to have them to stay, and was nice to have the opportunity to show them around, what is now, my temporary country of residence.